OSHEM Solutions | Environmental & OHS Auditing

Environmental & OHS Auditing

Environmental & OHS Auditing

Whether conducting a Quality (QMS), Environmental (EMS) or Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) audit, the key to gaining the most benefits is through thorough planning.

Many organisations develop a management system ‘audit program’. This program may include a range of components including an audit plan. An effective (and compliant) audit plan is designed to ensure all components of the environmental, work health and safety (WHS) or applicable management system are assessed within a given timeframe – often 12 months.

The audit program may also include a standard or procedure(s) which defines how audits will be undertaken and resourced. Competent Quality, Environment or OHS Auditors are required to ensure the most is gained from management system auditing. These auditors should be trained and competent, not only in the relevant discipline (e.g. environmental or OHS management systems) but also in the process of auditing.

Independence of Process

Audit best practice requires that auditors are independent of the processes they are auditing. For example the organisation’s OHS Manager would not audit the OHS management system he/she designed to determine if it is compliant with AS/NZS4801. They might, however, audit an operation of the organisation to determine if it has implemented the corporate OHS management system.

Audit Types

It is generally accepted that there are 3 types of audits: First, Second and Third Party.

First Party audits are also known as ‘internal audits’ and are therefore usually conducted by people within the organisation. To maintain independence, these internal auditors may come from another part of the organisation, possibly another department or an operation in another state. Many of our clients call upon us to assist their audit program because they see the benefits of a totally independent and professional Environmental Auditor / OHS Auditor. When using a consultant, the other advantage is ‘fresh eyes’ in the organisation and the opportunity to gain insight into a range of solutions being employed throughout industry.

A Second Party audit is undertaken by another organisation. These ‘second party audits’ are often companies auditing their suppliers to make sure they are effectively managing quality, environmental and/or health and safety requirements. This type of audit is very common in the construction industry whereby Principal Contractor audit their sub-contractors’ OHS Management Systems. Once again, often consultants are used to complete this assignment.

Third Party audits are those undertaking by independent bodies for the purposes of certifying an organisation to a national or international standard. Examples include a health & safety audit against the requirements of AS/NZS4801 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems or an Environmental audit against the requirements of ISO14001 Environmental Management Systems.

If you would like some assistance design, developing or implementing your organsation’s Environmental and/or OHS Management System Audit Program, contact us.

OSHEM Solutions | New Health & Safety Laws 2012

New Health & Safety Laws 2012

New Health & Safety Laws 2012

New Parties

According to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulator of NSW, WorkCover NSW, some of the key changes of the Workplace Health and Safety legislation planned for 2012, is the creation of new parties or entities:


The harmonised WHS Act and Regulations see the replacement of “employer” with the term “person conducting business or undertaking”. This change has been made to acknowledge the diversified nature of modern workplaces with one or more employers and a team of workers who may be engaged through a variety of arrangements. The Person Conducting Business or Undertaking (PCBU) has the primary duty of care to ensure all workers are safe at the workplace.


As stated above, the new legislation aims to address the employment relationships of the modern workplace. Gone is the employer and employee relationship and introduced is the term “worker”. A worker is any person who performs work in any capacity for the PCBU including directly employed employees but also labour hire staff, volunteers, work experience students, contractors, sub-contractors, apprentices, trainees and outworkers. The obligations related to safe place and systems of work apply to any worker.


An “Officer” is an individual within the PCBU whose role and authority allow them to make decisions that significantly affect the business. In many organisations this could include the Managing Director, Chief Executive Officer and possibly General Managers. Under the new legislation Officers of the PCBU must exercise a proactive, due diligence to ensure their organisation is complying with requirements. This could include such things as establishing Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS), which include OHS auditing ,workplace inspections and other compliance checks.

Need Assistance?

If your organisation requires assistance determining if it is ready for the new Work Health and Safety Act, contact OSHEM Solutions. Our OHS auditors are currently conducting WHS Compliance Checks
with our clients, as well as assisting in the development of action plans to help them comply.